Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Selena Gomez - Fly to your heart

Watch all the flowers
Dance with the winds
Listen to snowflakes
Whisper your name

Feel all the wonder
Lifting your dreams
You can fly

Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
You believe you’ll find your wings
Fly to your heart

Touch every rainbow
Painting the sky
Look at the magic
Glide through your life

A sprinkle of pixie dust
Circles the night
You can fly

Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
You believe you’ll find your wings

Everywhere you go
Your soul will find a home
You’ll be free
To spread your wings
You can fly to your heart

Fly to the heights of all you can be
Soar on the hope of marvelous things

Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
You believe you’ll find your wings

Everywhere you go
Your soul will find a home
You’ll be free
To spread your wings
You can fly to your heart

Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Central Kalimantan Forest Prepare for Ecotourism

The Central Kalimantan government is preparing the Tanjung Puting and Sabangau National Park as an ecotourism destination with support from sustainability group Rimbawan Bangun Lestari.
Central Kalimantan Governor Agustin Teras Narang said the province is home to a vast natural resources, specifically forests.
He added that 30 years ago, Central Kalimantan was among the most resourceful provinces in terms of its forestry industry. But government policies in the years that followed led to logging being conducted across its forests.
“Logging was conducted under government policies. In the process, reforestation efforts also occurred but failed to match the logging. Today, natural resources remain abundant. This, to us, is valuable,” he said during the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Central Kalimantan government and Rimbawan Bangun Lestari on Monday.
Agustin said that 82 percent of Central Kalimantan consists of forests, with a total area of 15.4 million hectares. He said he hoped that plans to develop the forests as a tourism destination would include conservation efforts.
“Activities that support the development phase of ecotourism were conducted prior to the signing of this agreement, including the protection of endemic flora and fauna, such as the orangutan,” he said.
Central Kalimantan’s forest area comprise 1.6 million hectares of nature sanctuary areas and nature preservation areas, and 11.1 million hectares of protected forest, limited production forest and convertible production forest.
David Makes, chairman of the Sustainable Management Group, a private-sector conservation organization, said forest resources, especially those outside the nature sanctuary and preservation areas, were prone to disruptions, both natural and man-made.
“Without careful and clever development and utilization, the result may end up damaging and thus threatening the existing natural sanctuary and preservation areas,” he said.

Senin, 10 Juni 2013

Tips & Tricks

The Extra Mile to Make Studying Fun!
Student Globe, Sunday, September 30, 2012

We all seem to have thousands of items to memorize, ranging from numbers, to important facts, to famous figures. How can you possibly stick every detail into your head? Well that’s a whole different story to be told! Highlighting important selection in your textbooks, or creating cue cards, are ordinary study methods common among most students. Why not go that extra mile and take learning matters into your own hands?
One of the most ‘creative’ men in the advertising business, Leo Burnett, has observed “Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people”. So be curious! Explore every creative way to be on top of your game, and seize those glowing grades.
Before you set up any strategy, first things first: recognize your learning style. Is it visual, audio or kinaesthetic? Once this is determined, go back to your mapping and try a few of these nifty tips and tricks.

Create Your Own Private Study Corner
Buy special couch or exquisite desk thet you’ve been dying to own-then decorate it with your own creation. Find a place to display your family photos to boost self-motivation. Once you are bitten by the lazy bug or you’re about to doze off, look at the photos and think of how proud those relatives of yours would be if you came home with dazzling report cards. Add some cheerful colors, repaint the wall or enliven it with special wallpaper. Fill up your space with your favorite stuffed animals or action figures.

Play with the Letters of the Alphabet
Ever have to memorize the solar system? Names of heroes? Capitals or provinces or countries? No big deal. You can create a mnemonic device - a memorable sentence consisting all of their initial letters. Take the first one or two letters of the word, then form them into an abbreviation or long sentence – one that’s easy to remember. For instance, if you have to memorize, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, you can fix them in your mind with ‘Mariah Versus Emma Makes Justin Sad Unless N’Sync Performs’. There you go! It’s the whole solar system! And it’s legal too: you’re not cheating.

Create a Collage
If you are to memorize country names, capital cities or famous figures, this is a fun way to do it. Get a special board, then glue the images on it, plus their names – or make your own illustration. You could also get a huge map of the world, and then add its name, along with colorful pointers.

Play with Words
Learning history can be tricky, and can even make your head seem like it’s going to explode (sometimes). All those names or chronology of kingdoms and empires, details of their rise and fall – it can be a lot to take. If you happen to love writting, exchange the characters in your story with historical names. This is a guarantee you won’t let it slip out of your mind. You can also use the kingdom’s name or its historical setting as a background for your story.

Sing it All Away
Exchange the lyrics of your favorite song with the subject you want to learn. You can sing it in the shower, you can sing it on your way to school or even wow the judges during a pop star audition.

Chatting about the latest trend or Hollywood gossip is super – duper fun. But in times of the desperate need to study, you can exchange the topic for your school subjects. Wouldn’t it be fun to hear your friends telling you about the World War II or the Civil War? And! You would still have an excuse to hang out with your friends, even days before ‘D-day’.
Above all, you must keep yourself motivated at all times. Every time you’re about to give up, take a minute and remember what got you started in the first place. Remember, Barack Obama didn’t become American President overnight. It takes a lot of learning, tries, falls, ups and sometimes downs.

Rabu, 05 Juni 2013


Merokok dan Duduk Terlalu Lama Sama-sama Berbahaya

Seperti kita tahu kalau merokok dapat menjadi salah satu penyebab orang meninggal. Tapi tahukah kamu kalau dudk dengan waktu yang terlalu lama juga bisa menyebabkan seseorang terkena penyakit kanker.
Dr James Levine, seorang dokter Mayo Clinic di Rochester menyebutkan bahwa sitting disease atau penyakit yang ditimbulkan akibat duduk terlalu lama sama seperti penyakit yang ditimbulkan akibat efek samping dari merokok.
Menurut Dr Levine, dalam sebuah penelitian, orang dewasa ya g menghabiskan lebih dari empat jam sehari duduk di depan televisi memiliki 80 persen peningkatan risiko kematian akibat penyakit jantung, dibandingkan dengan orang dewasa yang menghabiskan kurang dari dua jam duduk di depan televisi.
“Risiko ini terlepas dari faktor risiko lain seperti merokok dan diet yang tak sehat,” lanjut Dr Lavine.
Dalam studi lain, duduk terlalu lama juga terkait dengan risiko kanker. Total kanker yang terkait dengan terlalu lama duduk sebanyak 173.000 kasus kanker terdiri dari 49.000 kasus kanker payudara, 43.000 kasus kanker usus, 37.200 kasus kanker paru-paru, 30.600 kasus kanker prostat, 12.000 kasus kanker endometrium, dan 1.800 kasus kanker ovarium.
“Solusinya bukan menambah waktu nge-gym, yang tampaknya tidak mengimbangi risiko tersebut. Tapi sebaliknya, solusinya adalah kurangi waktu duduk dan bergeraklah lebih banyak,” tegas Dr Levine.
Cukup dengan berdiri, kamu akan membakar tiga kali lebih banyak kalori ketimbang hanya duduk. Kontraksi otot termasuk yang diperlukan untuk berdiri tampaknya juga memicu proses penting yang berkaitan dengan pemecahan lemak dan gula.
“Ketika kamu duduk, kontraksi otot berhenti dan ini adalah proses perlambatan,” lanjut Dr Levine.

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013


4 Kebiasaan Ampuh Tangkal Penyakit Jantung

Para ahli menyebutkan ada empat kebiasaan sehat yang dapat menjaga kita terbebas dari penyakit jantung. Mereka menemukan kebiasaan-kebiasaan itu dapat mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung hingga 80 persen selama periode delapan tahun.
Kebiasaan-kebiasaan itu adalah olahraga teratur, memiliki pola makan ala Mediterranean, menjaga berat badan normal, dan yang paling penting adalah tidak merokok.
Sebuah studi besar yang dilakukan di Johns Hopkins University juga menemukan hubungan signifikan antara faktor gaya hidup dan kesehatan jantung selama periode waktu yang relatif pendek.
Ketua studi Haitham Ahmed, dari Ciccarone Center untuk Prevention of Heart Disease di Johns Hopkins mengatakan, ini adalah studi pertama yang menemukan hubungan protektif antara gaya hidup rendah risiko dan tanda-tanda awal dari penyakit pembuluh darah, penyakit jantung koroner (PJK), dan kematian dalam satu periode waktu.
Studi yang dipublikasi dalam American Journal of Epidemiology ini mengevaluasi data lebih dari 6.200 pria dan wanita yang berusia 44 hingga 84 tahun. Para peserta memiliki latar belakang mulai dari kulit putih, Afrika-Amerika, Hispanik, dan China.
Mereka diikuti rata-rata 7,6 tahun. Mereka yang melakukan gaya hidup sehat memiliki tingkat kematian 80 persen lebih rendah selama periode waktu tersebut dibandingkan dengan mereka yang tidak menjalani gaya hidup sehat. Bahkan studi ini melibatkan enam pusat pemeriksaan kesehatan untuk memberikan diagnosa yang akurat dari penyakit kardiovaskular.
Selama studi berlangsung, para peneliti juga mencatat jika ada peserta yang mengalami serangan jantung, nyeri dada, angioplasti, atau meninggal karena PJK dan penyebab lain. Selain itu, mereka memberikan penilaian dari 1 (paling tidak sehat) hingga 4 (paling sehat) berdasarkan gaya hidup sehat yang para peserta jalani.
Hasilnya ada dua persen atau 129 peserta yang memiliki nilai 4, yang berarti mereka memiliki risiko 80 persen lebih rendah selama periode waktu tersebut.
Pakar kesehatan jantung dan profesor di Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine sekaligus penulis senior dari studi Roger Blumenthal mengatakan, dari semua faktor gaya hidup sehat tersebut, tidak merokok adalah faktor yang paling memiliki peran besar dalam mengurangi risiko PJK dan kematian.
"Faktanya, para perokok yang menjalani dua atau lebih kebiasaan sehat masih memiliki angka kelangsungan hidup yang lebih rendah setelah 7,6 tahun daripada non-perokok yang jarang beraktivitas dan obesitas," tutur Blumenthal.
Para peneliti menekankan, kebiasaan sehat bukan hanya memberikan manfaat untuk mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung, tetapi juga kematian yang diakibatkan hal lain.
